Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Keystone Species

Definitionspecies whose extinction in an ecosystem would lead to the death of other forms of life. If this specie was removed from an ecosystem, it would lead to the end of other organisms within a biome

Examples in Temperate Deciduous Forest

1) Gopher Tortoise
Purpose: it digs burrows/holes in the soil. These burrows provide shelter for not only itself but over 300 other different organisms

2) White-Tailed Deer
Purpose: it eats different plants such as mosses, shrubs, and ferns. By eating these different plants it keeps all of their populations in check and prevents overgrowth from happening in the forest. 


  1. is there anything that endangers the gopher tortoise and the white tailed deer?

    1. The white-tailed Deer are at risk from their own community. without predators (i.e. wolves) their population grows unchecked and they eat themselves out of home and many starve to death. Another issue are the roads and number of car collisions.

  2. The gopher tortoise is mostly endangered by habitat alteration. When humans bring in bulldozers to alter the landscape they compact the ground and crush many fossorial animals.

  3. Amazing post! Looks like a great project you're doing for wildlife. My favorite Mark Hutchinson jungle animal is the white Deer. The white Deer is a cute and fastest animal of the jungle.
